101 Ways to Save Money on Homeschooling

Posted on April 20, 2009. Filed under: Homeschool | Tags: , , |

Need some ways to stretch your budget as you reach the end of the school year? Check this out.

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Where Have We Been?

Posted on March 29, 2009. Filed under: Dance, Homeschool | Tags: , , |

Well, most of our time seems to be spent between sickness and dancing. Now, doesn’t that sound like a lovely combination? Fortunately, the boys have spent their time dancing (at class) while I’ve been sick. But the worst is over. I’m better, and the first competition is now under their belts.

I’ve been having a real struggle with them as we got closer to the competition. They were both nervous about getting up on stage and getting stage fright, not knowing where to go, and just plain being a scary experience. After talking with their coach, I encouraged them to just have fun. It’s all about having fun with your friends. This helped a little, but it was still a big fight.

Today, we had to be at the competition at nine o’clock in the morning, and it was almost an hour away from the house. The boys struggled with the costume, emitting comments like, “Mom, I just look stupid. I don’t want to wear this.” (Amazing that when they went for their baths tonight, they were still in them.) Then we got there only to find out that they were #20 out of 20 on the morning performance list. Oh boy, we get to sit still for how long? But once again, God knew exactly what He was doing. Throughout each of the beginning group performances, someone was a little off, or missed a cue, but they kept going and finished the dance, not letting it stop them. After a few dances, I noticed Gio relaxing. I asked him if he was feeling better about performing, and he told me that after watching everyone else and seeing that they weren’t perfect either, he was okay with going out and dancing. WHEW!

When they got on stage, I couldn’t believe my eyes. He got up there doing every move when he was supposed to be with a smile on his face, and he was on the opposite side of the stage. I’m hoping that someone else was getting pictures from that side and actually got him because the judges blocked every shot that I had of him.

Now, I should pause for a moment to explain that this is not the first time this year that they have been on stage. The did a Christmas program in December. For that performance, Gio went out on stage, saw all the people and promptly turned around and walked off the stage. But when he saw all the girls backstage staring at him, he quickly went out and hovered at the edge of the curtain. I don’t think that he performed one move that he was supposed to.

I realize that he has had a few months to work on his moves now, but his confidence had never increased. Today, he was confident and enjoyed what he was doing. I am so proud of him.

And lest we forget DJ, he was full of stage fright before the competition, but he still went right up there and did his moves exactly like he was supposed to. I am so proud of my little trouper. He is the youngest and smallest of the group, but he never gives up. He just has a good time and does his best. What more could a mom ask?

Oh, the best part, as they were performing, two of the judges were enjoying the performance so much that they were almost falling out of their chairs laughing. I have never seen anyone enjoy a performance that much. And yes, they did win first place in their division.

I’ll attach some pictures here, but there are a lot more on facebook. We were not allowed to videotape anything from the competition. Hopefully by Nationals, they might let us videotape, but I’m not holding my breath over it.

And not to be outdone, Jake had to be a complete ham in the audience. Then when they called all the performers up to the stage for trophies, he started making his way right on up there.

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Kindness of Strangers

Posted on January 13, 2009. Filed under: Homeschool, Parenting | Tags: , , , |

Jake's Cut

Yesterday was a bit of a strange day. We had our first session of Homeschool Gym & Swim at YMCA. The boys had a great time, and participated well. I got to meet some wonderful new moms and actually have some adult conversation.

But as we were walking up the stairs to leave, Jake somehow tripped and managed to hit the side of his head on the corner of a table. I didn’t think anything of it at first until the mom on the other side of him mentioned that it was bleeding. Next thing I know, there was blood everywhere. Fortunately, we were just finishing swim lessons and had wet towels. We applied the wet towels to his head still thinking that it wouldn’t be a big deal, until we moved the towels away and saw his head split open just beside his eye, looking a little like a pair of lips on the side of his face.

We realized at this point that he was definitely going to need medical attention and quite possibly stitches. The mom that noticed the blood offered to take my boys home with her while I took Jake to urgent care. This was amazing considering that we had just met less than two hours earlier at the beginning of class. We had discovered that they only lived about five minutes from our house. What a tremendous blessing, and what an amazing God we have.

From there, the kindness just kept growing. Someone quickly called our pediatrician to see if we could get Jacob in there instead of taking him to urgent care because it is the middle of flu season, glad they thought of that because it would have never crossed my mind. Then to add to it, the assistant director offered to ride with us to make sure that Jake stayed awake while their swim instructor followed behind to give him a ride back to work.

I am still humbled to have so many people offer their generosity to us. To all who helped, thank you again for your care over our family.

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